石狮香江大酒店是一家集商务、康乐、客房于一体的高级商务酒店。拥有豪华客房、智能化KTV包厢、多功能厅、会议室等场所,是接待各类旅游团体、商务会议、休闲娱乐首选之地。 酒店座落于石狮风里童装生产基地,距晋江机场18公里,汽车站2公里,交通便捷,我们秉承‘把客人当亲人,视客人为家人’的服务宗旨,欢迎四方朋友,下榻本酒店。 Xiangjiang Hotel is a first-class business hotel,with great apartments,automatically TKV,mutli-function hall,reference room etc, which should be your first choice ftraveling,business reference,entertainment. The hotel is located in fengli Children Clothes producing Base in Shishi City,18km far Jinjiang airpang field, 2km bus station, where is good ftransportation. Our logo is “customers are our relatives our family”. Welcome to Xiangjiang Hotel.香江大酒店地址: 石狮市香江路香江大酒店总机: 0595-83016666 传真:0595-83013333邮箱:ssxjjd@sina.com